Thursday, February 17, 2022

AIOU Solved Assignment 1 and 2 Code 8603 Autumn and Spring

AIOU B. Ed Curriculum Development (8603) | Solved Assignment 1. 
Describe the nature of aims and objectives in curriculum development. Explain your answer with practical examples. 
In the field of education, curriculum is an imperative concept. Curriculum is designed and framed by the administrators and the school personnel for the purpose of enhancement of skills and knowledge amongst the individuals and in fulfilling the needs of the community. Through an enriched curriculum, individuals not only improve academic knowledge but are able to provide solutions to societal problems and sustain their living conditions. The learning, growth and development of the students takes place on the basis of proper curriculum. 
The background of the learners is the main area that needs to be taken into account when formulating objectives in curriculum development. The main purpose of this research paper is to understand the formulation of objectives in curriculum development. The main areas that have been highlighted are, understanding the meaning of curriculum, classification of curriculum, types of curriculum, preparing curriculum objectives, relationship of objectives to learning experiences and approaches to curriculum
Curriculum development - Its Aims and Objectives
The curriculum theory since 1900 has been significantly concerned with the explanation and interpretation of objectives. In 1925, the statements of objectives began to be selected on the basis of the needs and requirements of the students more than on the analysis of daily life activities. Therefore, the objectives were formulated for the present needs of the learners more than the future lives of the adults. Between 1940 and 1950, the concept of student-teacher preparation and supportive selection of goals by students and teachers, community leaders and parents came within the trend. Since 1950, attempts have been made to state objectives in behavioural terms in such a way as to provide for the succeeding evaluation of the curriculum 
The designing and formulation of objectives in curriculum development is a multifaceted and a methodical process. There has been development of different models of curriculum design to make this multifaceted activity understandable and manageable. The individuals who are primarily within the teaching profession, are required to understand how the designing and formulation of the curriculum have taken place. Curriculum design, development and assessment are fundamental to teaching and learning within the classroom settings. 
This module provides teachers with the information about the basic components, aspects, features and organizations involved in the design and assessment of the curriculum and the instructional systems in schools and higher educational institutions. Understanding the Meaning of Curriculum Curriculum is referred to as a planned and an unplanned concept, content, skills, work habits, means of assessment, evaluation techniques, approaches and instructional strategies taught within the classroom and the variety of school activities that take place inside and outside of the classroom setting that have an impact on the present and future academic, social, emotional and physical growth and development of the students. It is referred to as a comprehensive plan for an educational training program or a course to make provision of new and improved human resources to fulfil the needs and requirements of the individuals themselves and the community.
When understanding curriculum in simple terms, it is referred to what is taught in schools, set of subjects, content, program of studies, set of materials, set of courses, course of study, and set of performance objectives. The processes and the strategies that are implemented in schools include extra classes, counselling and guidance services, and interpersonal relationships; these are considered as an integral part of curriculum. On the basis of the curriculum, the instructional methods are organized which facilitate learning amongst the students. It is planned and organized by the school personnel. It is stated to be the series of experiences undergone by the learners in schools and is an aggregate of the courses of study within the school system 
Common Concepts in two Subjects –
 This is the curriculum of two or more subjects that is usually common or the same. It is likely to include within it, the social universals of democratic living that is put into operation through the study of social problems. For instance, students may learn about occurrence of natural calamities and disasters and how they impose detrimental consequences upon the existence of the individuals in an English chapter. On the other hand, in geography, they may learn about the causes and effects of natural calamities and disasters. In this way, there is a common concept in both the subjects of English and geography, but there are differences in the methodology and information Types of Curriculum The different types of curriculum have been stated as follows: 
The methods and approaches that are important in preparing curriculum objectives have been stated as follows: 
The preparation of objectives is one way in which a teacher or an educationist can begin to think clearly and critically about the educational processes and the contribution that they have made towards these processes. Growth and development of the students is considered to be the main objective of the educational institutions and preparation of objectives should take into account this fact. The preparation of objectives are regarded to be the first and the foremost step in the formulation of objectives in curriculum development. There are various subject areas and teachers are normally qualified for teaching one subject. 
To lead to effectual growth and development of the students in their particular subject areas, it is vital for the teachers to possess adequate knowledge and information. In the formulation of curriculum objectives, they should be ranked in some order of significance and there should be an interrelationship between them. Perceiving their interrelationships are regarded to be the means of selecting a practical, defensible set of learning tasks and materials from a wide range of content, source material and the forms of treatment that are available for use. This is regarded as important in the case of general studies where practically the whole life of thought and experience can be assumed. The curriculum objectives should not only focus upon the learning tasks, materials and the academic concepts, but they should also focus upon the areas that are vital in inculcating the traits of morality, values, righteousness and truthfulness amongst the individuals. 
The formulation of the curriculum objectives make provision of assistance to the teachers to make decisions about the sequence in which the material is to be presented to the students. In different subjects, there are certain lesson plans that need to be learned before the other, hence, its knowledge should be made available to the students beforehand. When the curriculum is comprehensive and the time available for teaching is limited, then the teachers are required to be careful, the reason being, they have to make provision of the curriculum and the instructional methods to the students in limited time. It is vital for the students to possess the qualities of resourcefulness, diligence and conscientiousness to enhance their understanding. The students who possess these qualities may alleviate the pressure on the teachers and render an effective participation in class. 
Without clearly formulated and precise objectives, it is difficult to prepare valid tests and other forms of assessment. Tests and assessment procedures are an integral part of education, as they are the means through which the performance of the students is evaluated. The students normally are more interested and concerned about the assessment techniques and procedures as compared to the teachers. They need to know about their weaknesses and where they stand. On the basis of the weaknesses, measures are implemented to correct them. The presence of detailed and clear objectives is of help to both the teachers and the students in assessing their progress towards the achievement of the desired goals and objectives. 
The structure of the syllabus is not regarded as sufficient for the students, they may or may not be aware of what they are expected to do with the material of the syllabus. The material of the syllabus may help the students to articulate and organize their learning in an adequate manner. Having a clear understanding and knowledge of the objectives enables the teachers within the classroom setting to adopt effective teaching-learning methods. The objectives will generate a clear viewpoint amongst the teachers about the type of teaching-learning methods they should adopt in order to facilitate learning amongst the students.
 It is crucial to take into consideration effective teaching-learning methods, when making provision of knowledge and education to the individuals. Lectures, case studies, role plays, technology, projects, field visits, group discussions and so forth are regarded as important teaching-learning methods. The use of teaching-learning methods are based on a number of factors, the age groups of the students, their learning abilities, skills, communicative abilities and other aspects that may lead to their enhanced understanding and enable them to improve their performance in class tests and assignments.
 In the preparation of curriculum objectives, one of the important areas is enhancement of communication skills amongst the teachers and the students. At all levels of education, group discussions are an important aspect. When teachers have explained particular concepts and still students have not been able to acquire an adequate understanding, then they are mostly encouraged to get involved in group discussions. In the case of group discussions, the group of two or more students interact with each other to discuss concepts, project work, assignments and so forth. 
The teachers who are teaching similar subjects, may get involved into group discussions with each other to generate awareness regarding what chapter plans they are teaching, what types of teaching-learning methods they mostly implement and so forth. Group discussions and meetings largely contribute in numerous ways to render an effective understanding amongst the students regarding the subject areas and improvement in their study skills. Teachers when involved in group discussions are able to generate their understanding regarding making use of operative teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies to facilitate their job performance
Curriculum Development Aims with examples
Aims are general statements that provide direction or intent to educational action. Aims are usually written in amorphous terms using words like: learn, know, understand, appreciate, and these are not directly measurable. Aims may serve as organizing principles of educational direction for more than one grade. Indeed these organizing principles may encompass the continuum of educational direction for entire programs, subject areas or the district. 
Students will understand and become proficient at identifying the different types of spoken English.
Objectives of Curriculum Development with examples
Objectives are usually specific statements of educational intention which delineate either general or specific outcomes.
There are advantages and disadvantages to different types of objectives. 
· Behavioral objectives 
· Holistic objectives
 · Non Behavioral objectives
 · Problem solving objectives 
· Expressive activities that lead to expressive outcomes. 
All of the above are legitimate ways to write curriculum and lesson plans. However, currently, most objectives are written in behavioral terms. Behavioral objectives usually employ observable verbiage and can be divided into specific domains — cognitive (head), affective (heart), and physical (hand) 
Objectives can be written in a number of ways. Currently, most objectives are written in behavioral terms. Behavioral objectives usually employ observable verbiage and can be divided into specific domains — cognitive (head), affective (heart), and physical (hand). 

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